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Dipin krishna

Step by step procedure to set up your BSNL wll (cdma) in ubuntu linux (kubuntu)

Help steps may be help to the users of bsnl wireless phones to connect to the web.Please see the ‘Note’ it step 6 before starting… 1. Find the product and vendor ids.( You may need to become root). $ lsusb 2. Now load the driver. $ sudo /sbin/modprobe usbserial vendor=0×VVVV product=0×PPPP Where VVVV is the… Read More »Step by step procedure to set up your BSNL wll (cdma) in ubuntu linux (kubuntu)

Install Android on your system to test it using Google Android LiveCD

Want to try Google Android? Today is no longer necessary to have a mobile phone with Android installed to be able to prove it. Recently released a new version of Google Android LiveCD to test or install on a PC computer. Just download the ISO image of Live-Android that Google released for testing on a… Read More »Install Android on your system to test it using Google Android LiveCD

How to install CentOS 5 on a USB stick (pendrive) via Windows

Here is the how to install the CentOS 5 Linux distribution on a pen drive (USB) using MS Windows. This will create a CentOS LiveUSB which can be run on any PC that allows booting (boot) from a USB port. That is, a true CentOS Portable. This works just like a LiveCD, the only difference… Read More »How to install CentOS 5 on a USB stick (pendrive) via Windows

How to install Damn Small Linux on a USB stick via Linux

DSL (Damn Small Linux) is a mini Linux distribution that occupies only 50 MB of space, approximately.On the website of the distribution, they have published a guide to install DSL on a USB stick but it does not work, so I have posted this guide on how to install a DSL pendrive that does work… Read More »How to install Damn Small Linux on a USB stick via Linux

Formatting a USB memory stick (pendrive) in Ubuntu Linux

When you format a hard drive or storage unit, you have different file systems from which we can use, for example, vfat and ntfs for Windows, and swap, ext2 and ext3 for Linux systems. Here, i explain how to format a USB drive using vfat. The reason for using this file system is that it… Read More »Formatting a USB memory stick (pendrive) in Ubuntu Linux

Transparencies in Xorg on Slackware

We will see here how to enable transparency in the windows of a system with Slackware Linux. The commands mentioned here are valid for any window manager.Well, I have used this in Slackware 11 Xorg 6.9. If you use Xorg 6.8.1 already have support for transparent windows and shadows.The first is to edit the X11… Read More »Transparencies in Xorg on Slackware

How to install Google Desktop on Ubuntu Linux

Although Google Desktop is not the only search and indexing herrmamienta available on the web, it takes a large company behind it to make it very popular.Well, Linux version of this tool (which uses the same algorithms that a version for web) and are available packages for Debian 4, Fedora 6, Ubuntu 9.04, SUSE 10.1… Read More »How to install Google Desktop on Ubuntu Linux

Allow root access to the graphical mode in Ubuntu

Sometimes, in the graphical mode, we want to have full access to our system without using sudo or su.To enter the graphics mode in Ubuntu as root, you must do the following:If you have not yet set a password for the root user should do so now by typing in a terminal and running: $… Read More »Allow root access to the graphical mode in Ubuntu

How to fix the boot screen resolution in Ubuntu.

Some people, after installing Ubuntu Linux, see the decision of the startup screen (boot GUI) is not appropriate for the resolution of the monitor set in the system.Here I’ll show you a way to correct the usplash resolution to match the set in the system. 1. Open a terminal and type: sudo gedit /etc/usplash.conf The… Read More »How to fix the boot screen resolution in Ubuntu.

How to limit the download speed of apt-get

Learn how to limit the download speed of the APT package manager in Kubuntu, Ubuntu or any Debian-based Linux system. Do you share your ADSL connection to your neighbors? Your broadband connection is shared by several computers on a small network or LAN?If so, it is likely that everyone will complain that the internet is… Read More »How to limit the download speed of apt-get

How to create a custom linux file system within another

With the power bestowed upon us, we can create a Linux file system in a file. Humanly speaking, we can create a file containing specific file system and mount it as if it were a partition of a hard drive.To do this, we must first create the file: touch filename Then run the dd command… Read More »How to create a custom linux file system within another

HOWTO setup Squid Proxy & DansGuardian Internet Content Filter in ubuntu and fedora

For Ubuntu Installing Apache $ sudo aptitude install apache2 Setting a Static IP AddressNow make sure that you have a static IP address $ sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces And change the following (bold) to match your network # This file describes the network interfaces available on your system# and how to activate them. For more information,… Read More »HOWTO setup Squid Proxy & DansGuardian Internet Content Filter in ubuntu and fedora

GNOME 3.0 with more applications made in Mono

And along with the controversy found with Mono. Richard Stallman, a member of the GNOME Foundation, has said that GNOME 3.0 will include more applications made with Mono: “The only application that Mono is now part of the whole launch is Tomboy GNOME desktop. Mono applications are popular among users of GNOME, including F-Spot, Banshee… Read More »GNOME 3.0 with more applications made in Mono

DoS Vulnerability Apache HTTP requests

Recently published a pretty big vulnerability for Apache 1.x and 2.x pass Squid. The vulnerability is Intentionally incomplete HTTP requests and this makes the server open a connection waiting for a header. This would be the header that is sent to the server:GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: host\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET… Read More »DoS Vulnerability Apache HTTP requests

Ubuntu accepts Mono

Returning to the controversy over whether or not to add Mono by default in Linux distributions, as a message to the lists of ubuntu reads: “A common concern about Mono is the position of patents, mainly due to the creator of the C # language and the partners of the ECMA standards. The Ubuntu project… Read More »Ubuntu accepts Mono

Fedora 11: Now play MP3, DVD videos and avi files

Open a terminal and become root using ‘su’.Now type at terminal these commands to make your fedora play multimedia files. # rpm -Uvh rpm -Uvh yum -y install gstreamer-plugins-bad gstreamer-plugins-ugly xine-lib-extras-nonfree# yum install xine xine-lib libdvdcss Now you will be able to play mp3s and dvds in your fedora 11.

GRUB 2 now default for new installations ,ubuntu 9.10

As of tomorrow’s daily builds, GRUB 2 will be the default boot loader for new installations.They do not expect to be changing the boot loader for existing installations, at least not at this time; this is an inherently risky operation. (Remember that they don’t even automatically reinstall the boot loader when they upgrade to new… Read More »GRUB 2 now default for new installations ,ubuntu 9.10

Configuring wireless card for acer aspire one in Ubuntu 8.10

Recently I configured the wireless card in an acer aspire one, on a ubuntu 8.10 include, for the ubuntu version 9.04 it is recognized by default, well, at least I read it somewhere, but for version 8.04 will have to several steps:Setting Atheros AR5006EG card 802.11 b/g Wireless PCI Express acer aspire one 1. Install… Read More »Configuring wireless card for acer aspire one in Ubuntu 8.10

How to install iceweasel 3.5 in Debian Lenny stable

To install iceweasel 3.5 in debian lenny you need to do the following steps:Iceweasel 3.5 installation on debian lenny1. Add the debian repositories testing and experimental: # echo deb testing main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/testing.list# echo deb experimental main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/experimental.list 2. Leaving the stable distribution on by default: # echo ‘APT::Default-Release “stable”;’ > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/default… Read More »How to install iceweasel 3.5 in Debian Lenny stable

iotop : Howto find the disk usage of each process in ubuntu linux

You can use the utility “iotop” to find out the “disk usage of each process” running on your system.Type this command at terminal to install “iotop” on your system. $ sudo apt-get install iotop If you just want to know the cpu usage and memory usage of each process, then simply use “top” command for… Read More »iotop : Howto find the disk usage of each process in ubuntu linux