Dipin krishna
Boot and run Linux from a USB flash memory stick
Carry a portable Linux version with you on a USB flash pen drive. Easily bring your portable desktop with you wherever you go. USB Linux installation enables you to install a portable Linux operating system on a flash drive or USB key no larger than your thumb (thumbdrive). This portable Linux operating system can then… Read More »Boot and run Linux from a USB flash memory stick
Installing Fonts in Ubuntu
Installing fonts in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) can be done in a number of ways. Personally I like the following method, it’s quick,simple and it works. Installing some common fonts.There are a number of very common fonts, which you can install through APT/Synaptic, including the Microsoft TrueType core fonts (e.g. Arial Black, Times New Roman).Before… Read More »Installing Fonts in Ubuntu
Installing New Usplash Themes in Ubuntu
There are many different looks you can give to your boot screen by adding more themes to usplash, the program which displays the splash image at boot time. You can install a number of them using Synaptic by doing a search for usplash. You can also download different themes online (see below). Installing StartUp-ManagerBefore playing… Read More »Installing New Usplash Themes in Ubuntu
Changing the Color Scheme in Gedit
I find looking at a white background and black text a little daunting in Gedit, however in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon), you can easily change colour schemes and save your eyes. To change schemes:In Gedit Go to Edit –> Preferences.In the Preferences dialogue click on the Font & Colours Tab.Then choose a scheme to suit… Read More »Changing the Color Scheme in Gedit
Unable to Switch User Error – su: no shell
We had some users complaining about not being able to switch or substitute user, su. Here is the error message they were receiving: “su: no shell.” At first I thought the users had inadvertently locked out their accounts. But after querying nisplus and checking the file-based users, I didn’t observe any locked accounts. I tried… Read More »Unable to Switch User Error – su: no shell
Mounting ISO and DD Image Files
Occasionally, I’ll download an image file and want to see what is on it, or make a few changes to it before burning it to CD. The image file (dd, iso, etc) can be mounted using the loop device. You will need to know the type of filesystem the image uses. Most Linux/Unix-based OS’s have… Read More »Mounting ISO and DD Image Files
Strip a Prepended String From a Filename – Unix
I had a process that was pre-pending by design its PID to a file name string. But unfortunately, it caused a few unexpected problems when this handling process inadvertently terminated. I had to rename the files without the defunct pre-pended PID string and then reprocess them (several thousand). Here is what I used as a… Read More »Strip a Prepended String From a Filename – Unix
Dual Boot Live DVD ELPICX with Ubuntu and Fedora
Elpicx is a dual boot live DVD with ubuntu 8.04 and Fedora 9 KDE . It includes a collection of reference cards, test simulators, study notes and exercises for the Linux Professional Institute certification exam. It best for students preparing any certification in Linux. Originally it is a germen distribution but English version also available.… Read More »Dual Boot Live DVD ELPICX with Ubuntu and Fedora
ADSL Configuration in ubuntu
ADSL Broadband Internet connection configuration open a terminalsudo apt-get install pppoesudo apt-get install pppoeconf after installationsudo pppoeconf if you are not an expert select default and enter username and password when asking after configuration$ pon dsl-provider
DOSBOX RUN DOS APPLICATIONS AND GAMES IN UBUNTU LINUX $ sudo apt-get install dosbox (Your can use Synaptic Package Manager and search for dosbox) After Installation you can make a folder xxxxx in your home directory(eg: $ mkdir mydos) copy your favorite dos programs and games like Turboc, dave, digger etc in this directory Now… Read More »RUN DOS APPLICATIONS AND GAMES IN UBUNTU LINUX : DOSBOX
How to make Your Own Ubuntu Live CD using remastersys
Remastersys Remastersys is a tool that can be used to make ubuntu livecd and also it can make a full system backup including personal data to a live cd or dvd that you can use anywhere and and it can install at any time. It can make your own distributable copy with all the softwares… Read More »How to make Your Own Ubuntu Live CD using remastersys
Howto Cleanup Your Ubuntu Linux Filesystem
FSLint will clean your temp files, duplicate files, bad sim links and etc. It is very useful tool with an attractive user friendly front-end. apt-get install fslint
How to install/uninstall .deb file using dpkg a close look
1. Howto install a .deb file $ sudo dpkg -i package_file.deb 2. Hoto uninstall a .deb file $ sudo dpkg -r package_name 3. Howto find version of a package installed $ dpkg -l packagename 4. Howto List all installed files with version $ dpkg -l 5. Howto convert .rpm files to .deb files $ sudo… Read More »How to install/uninstall .deb file using dpkg a close look
Howto change your MAC address in ubuntu Linux
To change the mac address of your ethernet port follow the steps below. Type the following in a terminal with root permission 1. Disable your ethernet. # ifconfig eth0 down 2. Configure new mac address. # ifconfig eth0 hw ether 1b:2a:4c:4d:8e:9f (1b:2a:4c:4d:8e:9f is only for example..give your preffered mac address) 3. enable your ethernet #… Read More »Howto change your MAC address in ubuntu Linux
Linux commands for System Administrators
Kernel Ring Buffer: dmesg # dmesg |more[ 0.000000] Linux version 2.6.24-16-generic (buildd@palmer) (gcc version 4.2.3 (Ubuntu 4.2.3-2ubuntu7)) #1 SMP Thu Apr 10 13:23:42 UTC 2008 (Ubuntu 2.6.24-16.30-generic)[ 0.000000] BIOS-provided physical RAM map:[ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: 0000000000000000 – 000000000009e000 (usable)[ 0.000000] BIOS-e820: 000000007edf4000 – 000000007edff000 (ACPI data)[ 0.000000] 1134MB HIGHMEM available.[ 0.000000] 896MB LOWMEM available.[ 0.000000] found… Read More »Linux commands for System Administrators

How to Create and Modify ISO Images in Ubuntu
You can create and Modify ISO9660 files (iso images) graphicaly in ubuntu by using an open source Linux application ISO Master Features: 1. Create an ISO image from scratch. 2. Add or remove files and directories to a CD iso image. 3. Make bootable CDs 4. Support for Rock Ridge and Joliet file names. ISO… Read More »How to Create and Modify ISO Images in Ubuntu