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Dipin krishna

Reducing Swap on an LVM2 Logical Volume

To reduce an LVM2 swap logical volume (assuming /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol01 is the volume you want to extend): Replace /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol01 with your HD partition. Disable swapping for the associated logical volume: # swapoff -v /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol01 Reduce the LVM2 logical volume by 512 MB: # lvm lvreduce /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol01 -L -512M Format the new swap space: # mkswap /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol01… Read More »Reducing Swap on an LVM2 Logical Volume

Removing (or reducing) Swap Space of your linux system

Sometimes it can be prudent to reduce swap space after installation. For example, say you downgraded the amount of RAM in your system from 1 GB to 512 MB, but there is 2 GB of swap space still assigned. It might be advantageous to reduce the amount of swap space to 1 GB, since the… Read More »Removing (or reducing) Swap Space of your linux system

Force application windows to start centered on the screen

Make new application windows to start centered on the screen.Just do this for that:Press Alt+F2 and enter gconf-config, then set the following two values: Key: /apps/metacity/general/focus_new_windows Value: smartKey: /apps/compiz/plugins/place/screen0/options/mode Value: 1 Now your applications should start up nice and centered on the screen.

KeePassX: Password Manager for Linux ( Ubuntu )

KeePassX Password Safe is a free, open-source, light-weight and easy-to-use password manager for Linux, Windows and Mac OSX. Originally KeePassX was called KeePass/L for Linux since it was a port of Windows password manager Keepass Password Safe. After KeePass/L became a cross platform application, it changed it’s name to KeePassX KeePassX offers a little utility… Read More »KeePassX: Password Manager for Linux ( Ubuntu )

FTP In Linux Via Command-Line

You can connect to a FTP server from linux through command line with ease.Just open a terminal and type: ftp now you will be asked for name and password if present.Then, here is a list of commands to useCommands may be abbreviated. Commands are: ! debug mdir qc send$ dir mget sendport siteaccount disconnect… Read More »FTP In Linux Via Command-Line

How to start compiz on bootup (system restart)

After you have install and enabled compiz, you will still not have compiz started on restart. To make compiz start on bootup: Goto “system > preferences > Startup Application” and add compiz –replace Now restart your system.. you will have the compiz started on bootup.. Enjoy!..

Howto create an autostartup script for Debian and Ubuntu systems

You can make one autostartup script for ubuntu(debian) easily, and put commands to be started up automatically at boot. Here’s what you have to do: sudo nano /etc/init.d/local.startup You can name the new file whatever you want, but in this example i haveused local.startup. Type #!/bin/sh on the first line of the file.Now type your… Read More »Howto create an autostartup script for Debian and Ubuntu systems

wbar: a quick luanch bar( similar to avant and cairo dock)

wbar is a quick-launch bar (not a dock) that has an appearance similar to Avant Window Manager and Cairo Dock. It is GTK (Gnome) based but can work in all desktop environments. It does not require a compositing manager to be installed and is therefore quicker and more suitable for low-end hardware systems. It is… Read More »wbar: a quick luanch bar( similar to avant and cairo dock)

Use Startup Manager to change Grub settings

Grub is the bootup utility that controls which OS to load by default and other bootup settings. You can change Grub settings from the Startup Manager: System -> Administration -> Startup Manager If Startup Manager is not installed, install it: sudo apt-get install startupmanager Note: You can also edit the Grub settings manually from the… Read More »Use Startup Manager to change Grub settings

How to find out which kernel you are using in ubuntu (debian)

To find out the kernel release you are using, open the terminal and type: uname -r

How to find out the version (release) of the ubuntu (debian) installed from command line

On several situation you will need to find out the version of ubuntu (debian) installed in a system you are using.For that open the command terminal and type: lsb_release -a

Integrate google calendar into your gnome calendar

To integrate google calendar events into your gnome desktop, go to google calendar, click on “settings”, then on the “calendars” tab and then on your calendar’s name: Then, at the bottom there is a section called “private address:” > click on the “ical” green icon to get your private calendar url, Now all you have… Read More »Integrate google calendar into your gnome calendar

Find details about your ISO images from the Linux command line

If you want to find the details of an iso image before burning or using it, you can get that by just typing this at terminal: isoinfo -d -i filename.iso You’ll be show the details of the iso file, such as volume size, whether the image file is a bootable one, and many other valuable… Read More »Find details about your ISO images from the Linux command line

Search from the Linux command line

You can search from the Linux command line without using a command line web browser like lynx or Elinks. All u need is the curl and html2text packages installed. Then issue the following command: curl -A Mozilla |html2text -width 60 where you can replace Dipin Krishna with another keyword of your choice. The… Read More »Search from the Linux command line

Recover your Linux Root Password

Just follow the below steps to recover it. 1. Reboot your system and at the GRUB press “e”. Edit the first line and make sure it says “linux single”. Then press “b” to boot the new entry line. 2. You will now have access to a BASH prompt. Enter the following commands: cd /etcnano passwd… Read More »Recover your Linux Root Password

How to disable the blanking of screen after idle timeout in linux

You may have noticed the blanking of screen after an idle timeout. This may be annoying while you are watching a movie. So If you want to disable the X screen blanking that comes up unexpectedly while you’re watching a movie in MPlayer or …,Type this at terminal setterm -powersave off -blank 0 To make… Read More »How to disable the blanking of screen after idle timeout in linux

Dansguardian: Unable to getgrnam(): Success, Error opening/creating log file.

Even after you have successfully installed dansguardian in your system, you may a get an error ‘Unable to getgrnam(): Success’ when you try to run dansguardian. Follow these steps to solve this problem.1. Check whether the user ‘nobody’ exists. $ cat /etc/passwd see whether ‘nobody’ is listed. If not found add it. 2. Check whether… Read More »Dansguardian: Unable to getgrnam(): Success, Error opening/creating log file.

Create Custom mouse cursours(pointers) for your ubuntu

1. Open the document that contains your artwork and prepare it for conversion. Save a copy in the same folder; using a copy will let you start over if something goes wrong. If necessary, clear any background color. You may have to use “Add Alpha Channel.” If you plan on making an arrow-type cursor, move… Read More »Create Custom mouse cursours(pointers) for your ubuntu

Howto: Dual Boot Ubuntu and Windows on RAID 10

If you choose to dual boot and run both Ubuntu 8.10 and Windows Vista, you run the risk of losing your data when a hard drive dies. To fix this, you can create a RAID10 setup. This tutorial will show you how to perform an Ubuntu and Windows dual boot with a RAID10 setup. Step… Read More »Howto: Dual Boot Ubuntu and Windows on RAID 10

Make Ubuntu remember the applications you had open when you last logged out

Start from wherever you left off You can make Ubuntu remember the applications you had open when you last logged out, so that when you log back in again you’ll find all those applications running and you can resume right from where you left off. To achieve this go to System > Preferences > Startup… Read More »Make Ubuntu remember the applications you had open when you last logged out