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Dipin krishna

Ubuntu 30-Mount Check Annoyance

If you’ve used Ubuntu Linux for longer than a month, you’ve no doubt realized that every 30 times you boot up you are forced to run a filesystem check. This filesystem check is necessary in order to keep your filesystem healthy. Some people advise turning the check off completely, but that is generally not a… Read More »Ubuntu 30-Mount Check Annoyance

Testing your system for USB boot compatibility

The following tutorial will enable a user to check if a computer system can boot from a USB device and ultimately help determine if the computer can boot a Linux version from USB. In most cases if the test is successful, you should have no problem running Linux portably. In addition to testing your PC… Read More »Testing your system for USB boot compatibility


DOSBOX RUN DOS APPLICATIONS AND GAMES IN UBUNTU LINUX sudo apt-get install dosbox(Your can use Synaptic Package Manager and search for dosbox) After Installation you can make a folder xxxxx in your home directory(eg: $mkdir mydos) copy your favorite dos programs and games like Turboc, dave, digger etc in this directory Now you can run… Read More »DOSBOX RUN DOS APPLICATIONS AND GAMES IN UBUNTU LINUX

Howto find Disk usage of Packages in ubuntu

The following command help you to find the disk space used by different packages in ubuntu open a terminal window and run the commanddpkg-query –show –showformat=’${Package;-50}\t${Installed-Size}\n’ | sort -k 2 -n | grep -v deinstall | awk ‘{printf “%.3f MB \t %s\n”, $2/(1024), $1}’ That will sort the packages by size, putting the largest ones… Read More »Howto find Disk usage of Packages in ubuntu

How to Restore Your USB Key to it’s original state

After having tooled around with a USB Linux version using your multi partitioned flash pen drive, you might find it necessary to revert it back to a single fat partition (restore the flash pen drive to it’s original state) that can again be read by all computers. For those working from Linux this task can… Read More »How to Restore Your USB Key to it’s original state

Set the default root password

Setting the default root password: Some Live Linux distributions are created without a root password by default (the root account is inactive). This is particularly true with Debian based distributions like Ubuntu. Setting a root password enables us to access some essential tools such as the synaptic installer. In most cases, having no root password… Read More »Set the default root password

Quick USB Ubuntu 8.04.1 install from Windows (non Persistent)

Ubuntu 8.04 USB Live installation from Windows: This simple tutorial covers how to install, boot and then run Ubuntu 8.04.1 (Hardy Heron) from a USB flash drive. Upon completion of this tutorial, Ubuntu 8.04 can be run from the portable flash device in the same fashion (but much faster) than it would from the Live… Read More »Quick USB Ubuntu 8.04.1 install from Windows (non Persistent)

Exaile: Music Player for Linux.

Exaile is a wonderful music player for Linux written in written in Python. It incorporates Handling the library of music. To open tabs on the playlists and have several open lists.. The easiest way to dispose of exaile Ubuntu is updated by adding their repositories.  To add repositories are going to System -> Administration ->… Read More »Exaile: Music Player for Linux.

Commands that Should not be run in ubuntu

These are some of those command which is likely to damage your Ubuntu operating system!  Please DO NOT use any of them with out proper knowledge , just read it! sudo rm -rf / (will delete all your files on your system) – required administrator rights!sudo rm -rf . (will delete the current directory your… Read More »Commands that Should not be run in ubuntu

Howto Install BSNL wll clarity phone in Ubuntu

Hello linixians,Failed to access internet through your bsnl clarity phone….Here is an easy way 1. Just download this executable…..bsnlclarity and save it to your home folder. 2. Connect your phone to the system with the usb cable. 3. Now at terminal type $ sudo ./bsnlclarity You will be asked for your username and password for… Read More »Howto Install BSNL wll clarity phone in Ubuntu

Assign a Hotkey to Open a Terminal Window in Ubuntu

Since we spend so much time at the command line in Ubuntu, it sometimes makes it simpler to launch a new terminal window with a shortcut key. Ubuntu has a built-in utility for assigning shortcut keys. Go to System \ Preferences \ Keyboard Shortcuts: Scroll down to where it says “Run a terminal”, and click… Read More »Assign a Hotkey to Open a Terminal Window in Ubuntu

Add the Trash Can Icon to Your Ubuntu Desktop

Ubuntu has an option for adding a Trash Can icon to the desktop, which might be a comfort for those of you migrating from Windows. Just type gconf-editor into the Alt+F2 run dialog to open the Gnome Configuration Editor. Now browse down to the following key: apps \ nautilus \ desktop On the right hand… Read More »Add the Trash Can Icon to Your Ubuntu Desktop

Reset Your Ubuntu Password Easily from the Live CD

Our last article on how to reset your Ubuntu password easily through the grub menu was quite popular, so I’ve decided to make a series on all the different ways to reset your password on either Linux or Windows… today’s lesson is how to use the Live CD to reset the password. Note that we’ll… Read More »Reset Your Ubuntu Password Easily from the Live CD

Reset Your Forgotten Ubuntu Password in 2 Minutes or Less

If you’ve ever forgotten your password, you aren’t alone… it’s probably one of the most common tech support problems I’ve encountered over the years. Luckily if you are using Ubuntu they made it incredibly easy to reset your password. All it takes is adjusting the boot parameters slightly and typing a command or two, but… Read More »Reset Your Forgotten Ubuntu Password in 2 Minutes or Less

Create a Bootable Ubuntu USB Flash Drive the Easy Way

We’ve already covered how to use an Ubuntu Live CD to backup files from your dead Windows computer, but using the boot cd can sometimes be a little slow. We can speed up the booting process by installing Ubuntu to a bootable USB flash drive instead. To accomplish this, we’ll use a tiny software package… Read More »Create a Bootable Ubuntu USB Flash Drive the Easy Way

Ubuntu Feisty on Wubi on WinXP Pro

This time I want to tryout Wubi (Windows based installer for Ubuntu). My objective is to install Ubuntu and create a dual boot system on my existing WinXP machine without having to repartition my hard drive. I’m very fond of virtual machine idea (Vmware, Xen & Microsoft Virtual PC) but so far I found out… Read More »Ubuntu Feisty on Wubi on WinXP Pro

Make an Ubuntu live USB

You know,Fedora project has a tool names Fedora liveusb-creator for easily installing Fedora live operating systems on to USB flash drives.I found a tool names Ubuntu LiveUSB which also for creating a bootable Live USB stick from the running Ubuntu Live CD. Ubuntu LiveUSB performs the following actions:: Detects available USB sticks (using HAL) and… Read More »Make an Ubuntu live USB

Another Ubuntu Flavor: Ubuntu Studio

Ubuntu Studio bills itself as the “multimedia creation flavor of Ubuntu,” an official Ubuntu project “aimed at the GNU/Linux audio, video, and graphic enthusiast as well as professional.” It is certainly flashy on the outside — even if it is mostly the same Ubuntu Linux distro under the hood. “We provide a suite of the… Read More »Another Ubuntu Flavor: Ubuntu Studio

How to install Google Earth on Ubuntu

Some people who use ubuntu, could not know that Google Earth, exists in Ubuntu version! Here is a simple “HowTo” to install it:– Download Google Earth for Linux – GoogleEarthLinux.bin saved on your Desktop– Open the terminal and enter these commands in sequence:cd Desktopchmod +x GoogleEarthLinux.bin./GoogleEarthLinux.bin

Windows shared printer in Linux (using samba)

First install samba apt-get install samba apt-get install smbfs apt-get install cupsys after this installations open a browser and type http://localhost:631/ you will get a cups administration page select add printer then type Name : anything Location : anything description : anything now you will get a dropdown menu select windows printer via samba now… Read More »Windows shared printer in Linux (using samba)