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Dipin krishna

HP printer Installation Wizard for your Linux ( Boss,Debian,Fedora, ubuntu, suse .. )

Now get the driver for your HP printer from here Select your distro, version, Printer Type & Model. At the bottom of this post you can see how i downloaded and installed my HP PSC 1410 All in One Printer. Recommended Printer Models List: Need a printer to use with Linux? Use this list… Read More »HP printer Installation Wizard for your Linux ( Boss,Debian,Fedora, ubuntu, suse .. )

Increase the system wide sound (volume) in your linux (ubuntu etc..)

Here is another trick to increase the sound (soft volume) in Ubuntu Linux, this time system-wide. 1. Edit your /etc/asound.conf file. On your terminal type $ sudo gedit /etc/asound.conf 2. Paste the following into the asound.conf file: pcm.!default { type plug slave.pcm “softvol”}pcm.softvol { type softvol slave { pcm “dmix” } control { name “Pre-Amp”… Read More »Increase the system wide sound (volume) in your linux (ubuntu etc..)

Browse Internet faster in Linux with Ziproxy

Ziproxy is forwarding, non-caching, compressing HTTP proxy server.Basically it squeezes images by converting them to lower quality JPEGs or JPEG 2000 and compresses (gzip) HTML and other text-like data.It also provides other features such as: HTML/JS/CSS optimization, preemptive hostname resolution, transparent proxying and more. Ziproxy is an option when dealing with low-bandwidth cases like: *… Read More »Browse Internet faster in Linux with Ziproxy

Increase MPlayer’s volume to 300% (linux ubuntu etc..)

You can increase your MPlayer’s soft volume to 300% by just typing this simple command at terminal: mplayer -softvol -softvol-max 300 ‘file_name.avi’ and replace file_name.avi with the video file name you want to watch Now use the “0” and “9” keys on your keyboard, to manually change the volume of MPLayer. Please let me know… Read More »Increase MPlayer’s volume to 300% (linux ubuntu etc..)

Keyboard shortcuts that you can use within terminal

You can use keyboard shortcuts and other command line tricks to make entering commands easier and faster. You might already know about the ‘tab’ key which completes partial commands and even file and directory names. Here are some other keyboard shortcuts you can use within terminal: Ctrl-a Move to the start of the line.Ctrl-e Move… Read More »Keyboard shortcuts that you can use within terminal

awk: Find and Replace text

Syntax awk <options> ‘Program’ Input-File1 Input-File2 … awk -f PROGRAM-FILE <options> Input-File1 Input-File2 … If no Input-File is specified then `awk’ applies the Program to “standard input”, (piped output of some other command or the terminal. Typed input will continue until end-of-file (typing `Control-d’) Basic functions The basic function of awk is to search files… Read More »awk: Find and Replace text

Dock applications

Avant Window Manager, Cairo Dock, and Wbar are dock-like applications for Ubuntu Linux. A dock represents running programs as icons at the bottom of the screen (as is done on the Mac OS X desktop), instead of by toolbar panel segments (as is done in Windows and other Linux window managers). See this brief comparison… Read More »Dock applications

Convert PDF files to JPEG, TIFF and more..

Use ImageMagic’s convert program to convert between image formats as well as resize an image, blur, crop, despeckle, dither, draw on, flip, join, re-sample, and much more. To install ImageMagick in your ubuntu(or other debian distros) type this at terminal: $ sudo aptitude install imagemagick Convert PDF files (examples) convert from pdf to jpeg$ convert… Read More »Convert PDF files to JPEG, TIFF and more..

KernelCheck: kernel compiling process as easy as the click of a button

KernelCheck is a graphical user interface program designed to make the kernel-compiling process as easy as the click of a button. A kernel is the base of any operating system – in our case, the Linux operating system. KernelCheck will fetch the latest information from, which hosts the source packages for the Linux kernel,… Read More »KernelCheck: kernel compiling process as easy as the click of a button

Internet Explorer 6 in linux ( ubuntu 9.04)

Internet Explorer 6 can function under Wine, albeit imperfectly. For most purposes, Firefox can be used (with the User Agent Switcher plugin) to mimic Internet Explorer, but for those instances when it can’t, IE6 may be useful. A beta implementation of Internet Explorer 7 is also available from this package. For more info, see IEs… Read More »Internet Explorer 6 in linux ( ubuntu 9.04)

Eye Candy Applications: your os will look great

Eye Candy Applications refer to the decoration of the graphical user interface. These can be add-on icons, themes, wallpapers, 3-D effects, etc. Gnome Eye-Candy Resources Gnome Look has wallpapers, splash screens, icons, and themes for windows managers (including Metacity and Compiz) and other applications. Metacity Metacity is the default desktop compositing manager in Gnome. It… Read More »Eye Candy Applications: your os will look great

alias: replace your lengthy commands with shorter ones

Create an alias, aliases allow a string to be substituted for a word when it is used as the first word of a simple command. Syntax alias [-p] [name[=value] …] unalias [-a] [name … ]Key-p Print the current values-a Remove All aliases If arguments are supplied, an alias is defined for each name whose value… Read More »alias: replace your lengthy commands with shorter ones

Synaptic Package Manager: a GUI method for installing programs/packages

While “apt-get” and “aptitude” are fast ways of installing programs/packages, you can also use the Synaptic Package Manager (System -> Administration -> Synaptic Manager), a GUI method for installing programs/packages. Most (but not all) programs/packages available with apt-get install will also be available from the Synaptic Package Manager. This is the preferred method for most… Read More »Synaptic Package Manager: a GUI method for installing programs/packages

Aptitude: a terminal-based package manager

Aptitude is a terminal-based package manager that can be used instead of apt-get. Aptitude marks packages that are automatically installed and removes them when no packages depend on them. This makes it easy to remove applications completely. To use Aptitude, replace apt-get with aptitude in the command line. Example: sudo aptitude install packagenamesudo aptitude remove… Read More »Aptitude: a terminal-based package manager

SSH login without password

For this you required to generate your own personal set of private/public pair. ssh-keygen is used to generate that key pair for you. On the user’s home directory, on the localhost, type [local-host]$ ssh-keygen -t dsa This will ask you a passphrase. A passphrase is a sequence of words or other text used to control… Read More »SSH login without password

Create a .deb package from source files

If your build from source is successful, you can make a Debian (Ubuntu) package (.deb) for future use: Install package tools: sudo apt-get install checkinstall Rebuild package using “checkinstall”: cd /path/to/extracted/package./configuresudo makesudo checkinstall Keep the resulting “.deb” file for future use. It can later be installed using: sudo dpkg -i packagename.deb Note: These are basic… Read More »Create a .deb package from source files

Installing a package from source

Make sure you have all the necessary development tools (i.e. libraries, compilers, headers): sudo apt-get install build-essentialsudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` Note: “uname -r” lists the current kernel you are using Extract the archive that contains the source files: tar xvf sourcefilesarchive.tar.gz Build the package using the package’s script (in this case the configure script),… Read More »Installing a package from source

Handling (Tar/GZip) and (Tar/Bzip2) archives

(Tar/GZip) archives end in “.tar.gz” and (Tar/Bzip2) archives end in “.tar.bz2”. Bzip2 is the newer, more efficient compression method. These files can generally be automatically extracted by merely clicking on them from your file manager (Nautilus), since file associations with the appropriate archival utilities are set by default in Ubuntu. These instructions are for those… Read More »Handling (Tar/GZip) and (Tar/Bzip2) archives

Install Remove and Reinstall/Reconfigure/Repair .deb packages

Debian (.deb) packages are the packages that are used in Ubuntu. You can install any .deb package in your system. .deb files can generally be installed from your file manager (Nautilus) merely by clicking on them, since file associations with the default installer is already set in Ubuntu. These instructions are for those who wish… Read More »Install Remove and Reinstall/Reconfigure/Repair .deb packages

Manage firewall in ubuntu 9.04 jaunty

Network communications go through “channels” called ports. You can restrict which ports are available (“open”) for network communications, creating a barricade to unwanted network intrusion. Firewalls do this job for you. But I guarantee that if you install one before you know how to use it that one or more networking programs on your system… Read More »Manage firewall in ubuntu 9.04 jaunty