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Dipin krishna

My Ubuntu

List empty directories using the command ‘find’

This is what i tried to list all empty directories : ~$ find . -type d -empty and this is what i got ./.config/transmission/torrents./.config/transmission/blocklists./.config/transmission/resume./.gnome2/eog./.gnome2/panel2.d/default/launchers./.gnome2/file-roller./.update-notifier./.dosemu/drive_c/tmp./Templates./.themes./.kde/share/mimelnk./.kde/share/servicetypes./.kde/share/apps/amarok/albumcovers/cache./.kde/share/apps/amarok/undo./.kde/share/apps/konqueror./.kde/share/applnk./.kde/share/services./.gimp-2.6/tmp./.gimp-2.6/gfig./.gimp-2.6/scripts./.gimp-2.6/plug-ins./.gimp-2.6/gimpressionist./.gimp-2.6/tool-options./.gimp-2.6/curves./.gimp-2.6/themes./.gimp-2.6/fonts./.gimp-2.6/levels./.gimp-2.6/interpreters./.gimp-2.6/templates./.gimp-2.6/modules./.gimp-2.6/gflare./.gimp-2.6/brushes./.gimp-2.6/fractalexplorer./.gimp-2.6/environ./.gimp-2.6/patterns./.gimp-2.6/palettes./.gimp-2.6/gradients./.icons./.adobe/Flash_Player/AssetCache/K2USXEKE./Public./Videos./Pictures./.gvfs./Documents/My Music./Documents/KMPlayer/PlayList./Documents/KMPlayer/Logo./Documents/KMPlayer/Capture./Documents/My Videos./Documents/My Pictures./.gegl-0.0/swap./.amaya/5./.amaya/libwww-cache./.amaya/3./.amaya/7./.amaya/13./.amaya/11./.amaya/17./.amaya/0./.amaya/6./.amaya/18./.amaya/10./.amaya/15./.amaya/19./.amaya/9./.amaya/1./.amaya/12./.amaya/8./.amaya/annotations./.amaya/2./.amaya/16./.amaya/14./.amaya/4./.java/deployment/tmp/si./.emerald/themes./Music./.gnome2_private./shovell/tmp/sockets./shovell/tmp/pids./shovell/tmp/sessions./shovell/tmp/cache./.mozilla/extensions/{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}./.mozilla/firefox/vkuuxfit.default/extensions./.gem/ruby/1.8/specifications./.gem/ruby/1.8/gems./.gem/ruby/1.8/doc./.gem/ruby/1.8/cache A long list….hmm..

Beryl in ubuntu 8.10

Yesterday i tried to install beryl in my ubuntu 8.10….this is what i found.. $ sudo apt-get install beryl-managerReading package lists… DoneBuilding dependency tree Reading state information… DoneE: Couldn’t find package beryl-manager Beryl has been overtaken by compiz and I don’t think beryl exists any more.So look for compizconfig-settings-manager instead.

Windows Games on Linux

I’d like to focus this time on one special site, which goes so well together with Windows game emulation on Linux that it’s frequently mentioned at WineHQ itself: Home of the Underdogs. “Underdogs”, as it’s commonly referred to, is a site devoted to archiving the forgotten video games of history, from the earliest day to… Read More »Windows Games on Linux

Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex Screen Saver Configuration

Screen savers were originally designed to protect the monitor from creating a permanent impression on the screen after projecting a static image for too long of time. These days monitors and LCDs do not have near the tendency to be damaged by a static image. However, screen savers are valuable for security and for entertainment.… Read More »Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex Screen Saver Configuration

Troubleshooting LTSP: Firewall

FirewallYou will want to do a lot of testing with the firewall before you call it good. This is an area that often will cause you problems. If you are using the ufw firewall then you will want to enable it first. ufw enable Linux Terminal Server Firewall (DHCP,SSH, Samba)You will need to enable several… Read More »Troubleshooting LTSP: Firewall

Troubleshooting LTSP: SSH Key Regeneration

If you see this message you need to update the keys for your network card. “This workstation isn’t authorized to connect to server” sudo ltsp-update-sshkeyssudo ltsp-update-image Be sure to do it in that order.

Troubleshooting LTSP: Slow Network Speed

The terminal server is especially sensitive to slow networks. This is simply because the entire operating system is transferred over via the network. You should have at least a 100MB backbone for your network and you should be using switches not hubs. Remove the hubs as they will send messages to all computers on the… Read More »Troubleshooting LTSP: Slow Network Speed

Setting UP LTSP 5 on Ubuntu 8.04

When you set up LTSP on Ubuntu 8.04 you will notice that it is very easy to get going in LTSP 5. Most of the configuration is automatically done for you. Install the Ubuntu 8.04.1 Desktop CD. You must have a graphical interface running on the server to be provided for the clients. Once you… Read More »Setting UP LTSP 5 on Ubuntu 8.04

HowTo recompile Debian packages

This article will show how you can rebuild any debian package. You might need to rebuild a package for various reasons: add/remove some compilation options, make some changes to the sources, or compile a newer version from testing/sid into stable, etc. Regardless of your reason, this can be done very easy using debian tools. First you… Read More »HowTo recompile Debian packages

kill command on Debian

In technical terms, kill simply sends a signal. By default it sends a signal which requests termination (TERM, or signal 15); but you can also specify a signal, and signal 9 (KILL) is the signal which forces termination. The command name kill is not necessarily appropriate to the signal sent; for example, sending the TSTP… Read More »kill command on Debian

Remove debian udev persistent-net-rules

Debian has a customization to udev that will keep network interface names persistent after hardware changes and reboots. Normally this is what you want and you will not care about this, but there are cases where this can be very annoying and we just have to disable it. I am speaking about situations when you will copy the files from a system… Read More »Remove debian udev persistent-net-rules

Sendmail Multiple Queues

Sendmail will use by default a single mail queue. This is what most users will need, and if you don’t have any special requirement you will not care about this. Still for high traffic mail servers it might be useful to split the queue over several directories, as thousands of files in a single directory will become a… Read More »Sendmail Multiple Queues

Ext3 – Reserved blocks percentage

According to tune2fs manual, reserved blocks are designed to keep your system from failing when you run out of space. Its reserves space for privileged processes such as daemons (like syslogd, for ex.) and other root level processes; also the reserved space can prevent the filesystem from fragmenting as it fills up. By default this is 5% regardless of the size… Read More »Ext3 – Reserved blocks percentage

Determine the Directory Size Recursively

Sometimes you want to ascertain the space hogs on your system. You might have noticed that a certain top level directory is larger than usual, but you are unsure what subdirectory or subdirectories are the culprits. Here’s an example of what can be done: #cd /huge_directory#du -k . (current directory size given in kilobytes) To… Read More »Determine the Directory Size Recursively

Inline Shell Script with a For Loop

Often I’m asked how to traverse a list of items in a file. You can easily go through a list of items using a for loop. Here’s an example of copying selected contents of originalDir to destinationDir via the command line. #sh #for i in `cat /home/esofthub/mylist.dat` #do #cp -pr /originalDir/$i /destinationDir/. #echo $i done #done… Read More »Inline Shell Script with a For Loop

HOWTO mount ISO and DD Image Files

Occasionally, I’ll download an image file and want to see what is on it, or make a few changes to it before burning it to CD. The image file (dd, iso, etc) can be mounted using the loop device. You will need to know the type of filesystem the image uses. Most Linux/Unix-based OS’s have… Read More »HOWTO mount ISO and DD Image Files

HOWTO Remove a File or Directory Recursively

# rm filename (removes a single file)# rm filename? (matches single character. e.g. filename1, filename2,filename3)# rm filename[1-5] (matches filename1 thru filename5)# rm filename* (removes everything that matches filename. e.g.filename122, filename222, filename.backup) # rm -rf /home/esofthub/directoryname (the -r deletes directorynamerecursively and all its contents without prompting (-f) read only files/directories)# rm -Rf /home/esofthub/directoryname (the -R deletesdirectoryname recursively and all its contents without prompting (-f) read only files/directories) # pwdNote: Make darn… Read More »HOWTO Remove a File or Directory Recursively

Common UNIX Find Commands

One of the most useful utilities in the UNIX systems resources directory is the find command. System administrators use this powerful utility frequently. Here are a few common tasks performed by the ubiquitous find command. I’ll add more as time goes on. # cd /export/home/esofthub Find a file or directory# find . -name TEMP -printor#… Read More »Common UNIX Find Commands

Create Live USB of any Linux OS

I found a very easy tool to make live usb linux it is.. 1. Download Ubootnetin. Download 32-bit (i386) Ubuntu/Debian .deb PackageDownload 64-bit (amd64) Ubuntu/Debian .deb PackageDownload openSUSE .rpm Packages (Third-party) 2. Its an executable (not install package)…so just run it.. 3. Select the OS you want from the list.. or Select a disk… Read More »Create Live USB of any Linux OS