Python 3 code to find the Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree
This is a Non Recursive solution using DFS method.
class Node():
def __init__(self, val, left = None, right = None):
self.val = val
self.left = left
self.right = right
class Tree():
def __init__(self, root = None):
self.root = root
def lowestCommonAncestor(self, root, p, q):
:type root: Node
:type p: Node
:type q: Node
:rtype: Node
if not root or not p or not q:
return None
if root is p or root is q:
return root
# We are going to perform a single DFS to find both p and q
# So, the time complexisty in worst case is O(n)
lca, stack = [None], [root]
found_one = False
while stack:
node = stack.pop()
# Check if we are coming back up the tree.
# If yes, just pop and continue the loop
lca_popped = lca.pop()
if lca_popped == node:
if node == p or node == q:
found_one = False
if lca_popped:
if not found_one:
# Append the current node to stack
# if we haven't yet found p or q.
stack.extend(filter(None, [node.right, node.left]))
# append right first, so left will be popped first
if node == p or node == q:
found_one = True
# Set p or q to None when found
if node == p:
p = None
if node == q:
q = None
# Check if both p and q have been found
if not p and not q:
return lca.pop()
return None
# Construct the tree
# _______3______
# / \
# ___5__ ___1__
# / \ / \
# 6 _2 0 8
# / \
# 7 4
n7 = Node(7)
n5 = Node(5, Node(6), Node(2, n7, Node(4)))
n1 = Node(1, Node(0), Node(8))
root = Node(3, n5, n1)
t = Tree(root)
print('LCA of 5 & 7:')
result = t.lowestCommonAncestor(root, n5, n7)
if result:
print('LCA of 5 & 1:')
result = t.lowestCommonAncestor(root, n5, n1)
if result:
/ \
___5__ ___1__
/ \ / \
6 _2 0 8
/ \
7 4
LCA of 5 & 7:
LCA of 5 & 1:
Hope it helps.