This piece of HubL code can be used to search for a keyword in a single blog or multiple blogs.
You can use the below HubL code in a separate template for search page or in the blog-listing template. In case you are going to use in the blog-listing template, you will have to tweak it a little it to show the search list or the blog list depending upon if it is a search or not.
I have added comments to the code to make it self-explanatory.
{# Get all query params #}
{% set querys = request.query_dict %}
{# Look for the search term in the query url. eg: #}
{% if %} {% set search = %}{% else %}{% set search = "" %}{% endif %}
{% set search_term = search|trim %}
{# Make sure you actually have a search term #}
{% if search_term|length > 0 %}
Search Results for: {{ search_term }}
{# You can search multiple Blogs if you want, or just use 'default' #}
{% set blog_ids = ['default', '0000000000', '1111111111', '2222222222' ] %}
{% for blog_id in blog_ids %}
{# The only limitation here is that the maximum number of recents posts #}
{# that you can get from a blog using 'blog_recent_posts' method is 200. #}
{% set posts = blog_recent_posts(blog_id, 200) %}
{% for content in posts %}
{% if search_term|lower in content.post_list_content|lower or search_term|lower in|lower %}
{{ content.post_list_content|safe|truncate(300, False, '[..]') }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
Hope this helps!