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Blog Perl: Send an Email with attachment through Gmail SMTP

Perl: Send an Email with attachment through Gmail SMTP

This is a tutorial on how to send an email with attachment via Gmail SMTP.
Here i am using Email::MIME to create the email/message object. Email::Sender::Simple (sendmail) is used to send the mail with the help of secure transport provided by Email::Sender::Transport::SMTP::TLS.

The sample script below sends an email with two attachments and a text/html message.

use strict;
use warnings;
use Try::Tiny;
use IO::All;
use Email::MIME;
use Email::Sender::Simple qw(sendmail);
use Email::Sender::Transport::SMTP::TLS;

# Create and array of email parts. 
# Here i have 2 attachments ( an image and a pdf file) and a text message.
my @parts = (
        attributes => {
            filename      => "CUSTOM_FILENAME.jpg",
            content_type  => "image/jpeg",
            encoding      => "base64",
            disposition   => "attachment",
            Name          => "image.jpg"
        body => io( "path_to/image.jpg" )->all,
        attributes => {
            filename     => "CUSTOM_FILENAME.pdf",
            content_type => "application/pdf",
            encoding     => "base64",
            disposition  => "attachment",
            name         => "document.pdf",
        body => io( "path_to/document.pdf" )->all,
        attributes => {
            content_type  => "text/html",
        body => 'THIS IS A TEST EMAIL',

# Create the email message object.
my $email_object = Email::MIME->create(
    header => [
        From           => '[email protected]',
        To             => '[email protected]',
        Subject        => 'TEST MAIL!',
        content_type   =>'multipart/mixed'
    parts  => [ @parts ],

# Create the transport. Using gmail for this example
my $transport = Email::Sender::Transport::SMTP::TLS->new(
    host     => '',
    port     => 587,
    username => '[email protected]',
    password => 'PASSWORD'

# send the mail
try {
       sendmail( $email_object, {transport => $transport} );
} catch {
       warn "Email sending failed: $_";

Hope it helps! 🙂

4 thoughts on “Perl: Send an Email with attachment through Gmail SMTP”

  1. I needed to make one change for this to work on Windows.

    body => io( “path_to/image.jpg” )->all,

    needed to be

    body => io( “path_to/image.jpg” )->binary->all,

    (and the same for the pdf).

    Finally, thanks for the excellent code fragment. Yours was the 5th code fragment I tried, and the only one that worked :-).

  2. Please change the encoding of pdf to base64

    attributes => {
                filename     => "CUSTOM_FILENAME.pdf",
                content_type => "application/pdf",
                encoding     => "base64",
                disposition  => "attachment",
                name         => "document.pdf",
  3. Hi,

    After installing a bunch of modules required it works very good. I mean the script is sending an image and an pdf file but there is something wrong with the pdf file. When i try to open it, the pdf reader (Adobe Reader) complains “the file is damaged and could not be repaired”. What could be the reason?


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