My CPP function for search and replace in string is given below:
string search_replace( string String, string searchString, string replaceString, string::size_type pos = 0) { while ( (pos = String.find(searchString, pos)) != string::npos ) { String.replace( pos, searchString.size(), replaceString ); pos += replaceString.size(); } return String; }
Sample program using it.
/* * searchreplace.cpp * * Copyright 2010 Dipin Krishna * Licensed under GPL Version 3 * * To compile - g++ -o searchreplace searchreplace.cpp * To execute - ./searchreplace */ #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; string search_replace( string String, string searchString, string replaceString, string::size_type pos = 0) { while ( (pos = String.find(searchString, pos)) != string::npos ) { String.replace( pos, searchString.size(), replaceString ); pos += replaceString.size(); } return String; } int main() { string str1( "I love coding in C and CPP and PHP and PERL" ); cout << str1 << endl; cout << search_replace( str1, "and", "&" ) << endl; cout << search_replace( str1, "and", "&", 26 ) << endl; }
Expected Output
I love coding in C and CPP and PHP and PERL
I love coding in C & CPP & PHP & PERL
I love coding in C and CPP & PHP & PERL
Enjoy Coding!