GIMPShop tries to replicate Photoshop’s interface as close as possible , hence many tutorials designed for Adobe Photoshop could be followed for GIMPshop !! . Now besides all the interface change it adds naming convection similar to photoshop to Gimp . Other than this all the features of GIMP are preserved .
Like GIMP which is crossplatform and runs on Windows , Linux , OS X ,Solaris GIMPshop too is crossplatform.
Since GIMPshop is based on GIMP so it has all the features of GIMP+some extras.
Howto Install Gimpshop in UbuntuIf you want to install gimpshop first you need to download .deb package from here .
Now you have gimpshop_2.2.11-1_i386.deb package install this package using the following command
$ sudo dpkg -i gimpshop_2.2.11-1_i386.deb
This will complete the installation
Using Gimpshop
If you want to use gimpshop you need to run the following command from the terminal
$ gimp
You will need to do some configuration for the first time run….