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Gimpshop: photoshop in ubuntu linux

Work with the images as you do it in photoshop in ubuntu using gimpshop”. GIMPshop is a modification of the free/open source graphics program GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP), intended to replicate the feel of Adobe Photoshop. Its primary purpose is to make users of Photoshop feel comfortable using GIMP.

GIMPShop tries to replicate Photoshop’s interface as close as possible , hence many tutorials designed for Adobe Photoshop could be followed for GIMPshop !! . Now besides all the interface change it adds naming convection similar to photoshop to Gimp . Other than this all the features of GIMP are preserved .

Like GIMP which is crossplatform and runs on Windows , Linux , OS X ,Solaris GIMPshop too is crossplatform.

Since GIMPshop is based on GIMP so it has all the features of GIMP+some extras.

Howto Install Gimpshop in Ubuntu

If you want to install gimpshop first you need to download .deb package from here .

Now you have gimpshop_2.2.11-1_i386.deb package install this package using the following command

$ sudo dpkg -i gimpshop_2.2.11-1_i386.deb

This will complete the installation

Using Gimpshop

If you want to use gimpshop you need to run the following command from the terminal

$ gimp

You will need to do some configuration for the first time run….

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